What was the point in the religious poll thread?

I honestly don’t get it, has it done any good? Have we learned anything from it? just curious

Well we learned that things are good the way they are.


It was just a poll to see if the current rules should be changed or modified.


We learned a lot.

Most importantly that the rules shouldn’t be changed,

Some members of our community didn’t handle it very well.


What I learned was that there are 75% in favour of some religious talk and some of those said they would welcome any religious talk, but 25% have a problem with it

Honestly I don’t think we can handle even some religious talk.
Things might get out of hand quickly.

But I do believe that using the word God should be allowed.

Members pushing religion onto others should not be allowed.

Why not allow ONE topic for all religious people?

I feel like at one point this is gonna get locked.

It’s asking for trouble. Sooner or later it’ll get ugly. People in general take religion very seriously, people like us tend to do even more so. Especially given the fact that most religions don’t acknowledg ethe right of other religions to exist. It’s a pressure bomb of a topic.

It’s my perception that the thread was started to have an open discussion about the rules on religion and related threads.

@daydreamer, please “let sleeping dogs lie.” I genuinely care about you. Everyone has their own belief, and that is Okay!

Some people grow up in different parts of the world, where different traditions and practices are done.

Peace my friend! :v:


@Montezuma i hear what you are saying but i am not attacking anyone, i’m just trying to get a better understanding, its nothing personal,

I don’t want to trigger anyone and if someone was triggered you got to ask yourself ‘who’s fault is that?’ i mean anything can be a trigger like one persons trigger could be another persons reason for living :frowning:

I think its all about mutual respect, if you can’t respect someones point of view then that’s a problem, we need to be tolerant not intolerant imo. this is why i get confused bc i cant work it out i just think ‘why?’ what have i ever done to you? :frowning:


When almost a fifth of the voters find religion triggering, we have good cause to be strict with this subject. We’re currently working on a draft for the updated guidelines that we will suggest to szadmin. As long as we have rules against triggering religious discussions, it is not the people who feel triggered who are to blame for their negative reactions to this subject. I’ll also allow myself to be a little forward here and say that I don’t think it’s right that you play the victim in this situation. Surely the victims here are those who risk a worsening of their illness because of such posts, not those who are restricted from posting them. Remember that this is a mental health support forum and that our priorities will reflect that.