I was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia when I was 17 but was having symptoms when I was 16… I’ve seen and heard a lot. I was in and out of the hospital a few times. Went to support groups a couple times. I dont think I’ve had it as bad as other people but… Idk I’m really how to scale it. Now I’m just kind of… treading the water.
I was wondering… Can people really hear your thoughts? Can people really put there thoughts into your mind? My situation is messed up because people know about my past. I was an ■■■■■■■ and now it seems like they want revenge or something. They yell things at me from work from a distance. They yell things at my home from a distance… I said some pretty messed up things about people, I wont lie. I wasnt a good person. But karma got me back.
Now, I cant help but think that everyone in my town hates me. I can’t change that. But the voices, they always tell me I’m hiding something. They always make it seem like I’m some type of lying, deceitful person. They mock me sometimes. They try to mentor me sometimes. They say they love me sometimes.
I just wanted to know if it gets any better. I try to make friends but for some reason, people keep their distance from me. I dont feel overwhelming amounts of loneliness. I’ve pretty much been by myself my whole life, social wise. I’ve had friends in the past but everyone goes their separate ways at some point…
Idk. The isolation kills me sometimes. The voices dont help with that… I dont feel like offing myself but… How do you get through the day? How do you beat the paranoia? How do you be normal…?
Kind of ranted. Just want to see how people cope. I’ve cleared up a little since I was 16 but… I just feel like I wont ever get better…
Try finding new meds, sounds to me like the ones you are on aren’t working for you. Other than that, fight. Fight to survive, it’s all about surviving now. Easy days will come in time but for now start training to build your mental endurance, be emotionally calm when the voices mock you. Learn to endure it to the point where it doesn’t bother you anymore. Anyone of us will tell you it’s hard and that you’ll fail countless times and you’ll feel like you can’t take it some days but those days pass. Fight for you even if it only a little at a time. CBT therapy is also a good way to fight back. It’ll give you the tool to identify what are symptoms and what aren’t. You have a long hard road ahead of you, good luck.
I’m sorry that you are going through this. I had a delusion that everyone at work could hear my thoughts, I could hear theirs and they wanted to kill me. Paranoia is hard to cope with and each day is definitely a battle. Everyone here knows that you are strong enough to find the road to peace. You just made a new friend know that you are not alone in this fight, this sight has a tone of people ready to support you.
I can really relate to your post. That sounds like my situation. I wish I could give some advice but I still struggle with it myself. The loneliness is terrible sometimes. The people on these forums are really friendly though, websites like this make me feel slightly less alone.
I had paranoia too, it was horrible I thought the government was out to get me and I lost track of what was real and what was in my head… it’s a tough battle but my friend I think we can all relate but just dnt give up!
I can relate to the paranoia. I had it again today. I wish I had an absolute answer. My AP Rx says I can take an extra tablet if I feel overwhelmed and I took one today. I hope you’re on meds and going to therapy. I’ll assume you are. I take my meds and go to therapy but the paranoia an be really bad sometimes. I wish you the best
So here’s a guide to help you with this. This is not to eliminate your symptoms, but to help with your paranoia and psychosomatic induced stress. I need you to think hard for a minute or two and realize it is just a hallucination, it is imaginary. Now the fun part begins. Since these halluicenations are consistent, your going to have to slowly but surely reshape your reasoning. This in no way shape or form means fighting your paranoia/halluicenations. Now I want you to look at it from a perspective as such: even though it is reasoning you dislike it comes from your own reasoning. I want you to kind of let these halluicenations flow like water through your head, and slowly start to understand that this way of thinking is nonsensical and the measurement of thinking about it is not real. Slowly but surely with understanding your own reasoning is not reasonable, and measures of self clarity, changing you’re own way you perceive your halluicenations and delusions, can pretty much demolish them. I can understand moral reasoning to why you may be experiencing what you experience, but what it is your experiencing is a overactive imagination. any measure of thinking about this issue push or pull is not the way to go about it. Slowly and steadily with self clarity of the unactualiy of it, slowly changing the reasoning that the whole lot isn’t real. of these experiences and reasoning is the way to go.
I wanted to know how things work, how people’s heads work, and how my head works. I also wanted to become rich. I worked 80-100 hour weeks since 2004, and I did well.
When you’re rich, you might have a mental quirk, but you don’t care. As long as you stay busy, don’t do unwise things to people, and keep your health while not abusing substances, it’s smooth sailing. The opposite is to have never taken the challenge, being poor, and being lonely. Guess which one is the better medicine.
The single best source of my success has been the wisdom from all throughout the past centuries. These are so helpful to making a person healthy, wealthy, and wise that even sick people can benefit from them. That combine with the power of the internet is opportunity like never before in history. You’re looking at the screen on a gold mine in fact: the internet.
Thanks for the reply guys. That really makes me comfortable to have some common ground with people. I felt alone a little…
But I also dont like psychic attack, which i think was also happening to me. I should just let them do whatever but i dont feel at peace with peoplr in my mind…
Or it could all be a delusion. Idk. Either way, I’m going to work hard to better myself. I need to. Not for the voices but for myself. Thanks.
I’m exactly like you my feelings and thoughts are the same, I get through my day by setting challenges and doing them mainly evolving around exercise then you chill and feel better I’m not normal but I act like it and the paranoia gets old just ignore it don’t dwell on it