This is my first time on any forum so I’m not really sure how it works. i really wanted to try it because I think being able to talk to other people who experience similar issues to me would be helpful.
I am 19 years old and have experienced noticeable hallucinations for about 8 years. I have struggled through education but managed to get my English and Maths GCSEs but that’s all. I have tried temporary work and little jobs for people I know but currently I do not have a job as it is too difficult with my daily hallucinations. I am on a high dose of Sertraline and Quetiapine but I still experience hallucinations, delusions and just feeling really sad often. I try to stay busy around the house doing little jobs and chores and I also do journaling and drawing. I Feel very guilty about not having a job as I am on benefits.
I have episodes where things are especially bad and they are extremely hard to just wait out. Recently it has been really hard to get through the day i don’t have the motivation to journal and it doesn’t seem fun anymore.
I feel useless and meaningless I want to have a purpose and progress in life but i don’t know where to start.
I’m sorry I realise this is abit of a trauma dump I’m okay things are hard but I’m okay!
Wait for input - such as coping skills - from people who still have breakthrough symptoms despite being on meds.
My symptoms are mostly gone except for some apathy and a bit of social anxiety. My illness has had a peculiar trajectory. 3 major psychotic episodes and a long stint of crippling negative symptoms, which eventually got much better.
During episodes I couldn’t do much. Hallucinations and delusions got all my attention…
I have tried other antipsychotics like lurasidone , arapiprizole and risperidone but they all had nasty side effects and didn’t seem to help that much
Trying new medication is such a difficult process so I think I’ll just stick with quetiapine at the moment because it does help somewhat
You said your symptoms began around age 11? That’s so early.
Do you remember any traumatic event that had occurred before that?
Could be domestic violence, bullying, head concussion, severe neglection…
Don’t feel bad Lily ! It’s natural for society to take care of their ill. It could have happened to anyone. When other people are sick society will take care of them too. What matters is you do what you can. If you do all you can then that’s success. But we take care of our downed soldiers in this life.
Start slowly appreciating life try to find meaning in little things as you focus on positive aspects of your life you will heal faster . Gratitude and respect for life