Hey, I never claimed to be happy all the time. But I work on being positive

There’s a difference. Being happy is hard and most of the time you can’t force yourself to be happy. Being positive is closely related to being happy, but it’s not the same. But you can force yourself to be positive. It’s an attitude; it’s having hope, it’s being a little optimistic. It’s tackling problems with a little effort and succeeding and thus wanting to tackle more problems.

Maybe I sound happy and positive all the time. I’m not. I post the good with bad. When I go to bed at night knowing I have to get up at 6:30 am and drive for 45 minutes on the freeway to go to work in heavy traffic, do you think I’m happy about that? Well, I’m not.

But hey, I’m in my nice car with a great stereo. sometimes I win on the commute sometimes I lose. Sometimes there’s a lull in the traffic and I can look around and actually enjoy the scenery and when I get to work it’s not always easy but I often really remind myself that I am lucky I can drive, and I am lucky I have a job and I do my work as good as I can. Now, that is being positive.

Do you really want to hear the negative things in my life? I could fill a book with them. You’ve seen my negative posts… People don’t want to hear it here, I’ve posted my crazy, depressing problems before. I’m certainly not immune to the ravages that life thrusts upon you. But I will keep posting about the miracle that is my life. And tomorrow I’ll get up and do my errands and drive around town and give the finger to at least one other driver who tailgates me and put up with the 7 other people who tailgate me.

See, as you read this, doesn’t being positive sound a 100% better than complaining about other drivers and giving them the finger?

Well, it’s donut and TV time in 15 minutes. Have a good time guys and girls.


enjoy the donut…
take care :alien:


I’m just getting tired of having to report near misses at work.


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@77nick77 I like your attitude and have decided to try my best to adopt it myself.


In 12 Step circles we call it an Attitude of Gratitude.

Things are a bit slow at work. We’ve all had our hours cut back some, which bites, but the boss is doing his best not to lay off anyone. Anyhow, yesterday everyone was sharing how sucky their lives had become with the cuts when it became my turn.

I pointed out that 24 years ago this week I was homeless, eating out of garbage cans, and sleeping in back alleys in the middle of an incredibly harsh Canadian winter. Sure, it would be nice to get a full 40 hours a week in right now, but I’m sure as hell not trading the problems today for the problems I had 24 years back. I’m freakin’ BLESSED and I know it.



When I was a young man, I got a job on a municipal janitorial crew. I was in AA at the time.

There were seven of us on the crew, and we had unlimited sick them, so nearly everyday, someone of us would call in sick. Then, at day’s the coffee breaks when we all got togetjher, we would sit around and talk about the fella missing. Pretty negative stuff. I pretty much didn’t take part in all the talking. For one thing, I didn’t have social skills to speak of.

I am into astrology, and I knew all the fellow’s sun signs, and so I knew what to look for as strengths to the each guy’s character.

When Marty the Summer born was missing, and we would be dissing him in a bad way, I would see my opening, and say, “Yeah, but Marty can really make me laugh.” And everyone would be silent and then say,“Yeah, he’s funny isn’t he.” Then, they go back to character assassination.

Yes, Cancers are quiet often funny, and our Cancer guy had a sense of humor! Pisces are quite often efficient, and we could count on, when the boss said, “You can’t leave here until the work is done,” our Pisces would come up with an efficient way of handling the task!



Keep posting miracles, we love it

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