During my suspension, i was on the i went to the a other forum, i ask my friends there what i said to you guys, i was suspended for harassment, i try to understand why, they said i wasn’t harassment’ anybody, i was trying to just express my self, they said maybe you guys are tiny bit bias thats all, but i didn’t care at all, noones perfect in this world, even me of course obviously. Then i truly understand why some people found it very irritated from my comments, my intentions was not to harrass anybody in the first place i swear, i just wanted to be a positive influence in the forum, to rise up from anxiety, depression, fear ,paranoid thoughts and delusion, i just wanted you to see that schizophrenia is not a dream ender at all, you can still achieve your goals and dreams. okay, before i felt absolutely hopeless, i was overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure, blood work was so bad, i thought my life was not going to get in any better so i just gave up, but for some reason i watch a video it got me thinking, maybe i can change my life around. so i did my research, and tried to figure out how to reserve my diabetes, high blood, how to lose weight, find a medication that has the least weight, it wasn’t easy but i persevere, i never gave up hope. finally had a plan, so i did trial and error, eventually something work. so im telling you guys dont give up, persevere with your dreams and goals in life. okay I truly apologize if i hurt anyone’s feelings i truly am. im sorry. im not perfect too. please understand. have a great day guys peace and joy to everyone. love you all, i still consider you guys my friend even the people that don’t like its okay too i understand them.
I don’t even remember the situation so you’re good with me
Welcome back
Thanks everyone im been very busy this past weeks on the other forum and other activities its crazy really buts its a good thing, it takes me off the negative thoughts. The other forum is great, there are some great people there, i made some new friends there, i learn so much there, im enjoy chatting with them being a positive influence there also, trying to help them best way i can, hope you guys are okay.
I am still being punished for wrong reason…
Also i learn i have to be careful what i say here, because people might take it the wrong way, this what i learned and realized too.
Yes, people that have been suspended multiple times seem to be on the mods radar more than a person that hasn’t and seem to get suspended more easily, for smaller offences. I think it is wise for you to be cautious with your words.
Its noone is perfect man its okay. Dont take personnal just let it go. Thats all. This is what i learned from it bro. Its all cool, everything will be fine dont worry man okay, noone is judging you your cool bro. Okay
We haven’t taken it the wrong way.
You’ve acted out and said some inappropriate stuff.
You’re trying to reduce your personal responsibility with this “nobody’s perfect”, “people take it the wrong way” attitude.
You haven’t changed.
You’re just back.
Yea your absolutly right bowens, but noones perfect even the moderaters here, we all humans here we all mistakes in life, best thing is to learn from and dont repeat them and be wiser thats all. But your absolutly right i agree with you 100%
I didn’t read the post that got you suspended, so I can’t really comment. I guess it’s okay to express yourself, it’s just how you go about it
Okay i understand where coming from you have the right of your opinion i respect that, thats okay with me.
I don’t think I saw the specific thing you were suspended for either but just keep the rules of the forum in mind and you should be fine.
Yea i understand theres certain guidelines i have to follow, i guess i violate one of them thats all its okay im cool with it.
Yea ill try best to be careful what i say thats all thanks bowens for your support even people still think i havent change or trying mask things, i dont care anymore, really. I have to move on with my life no matter what people think of me, i cant let stop me from goals and dreams. so im do my best to be positive and help people on the other forum, and try to focus on me more, thats all.
Okay im have to go everyone, i have alot do today, have great day, have fun everyone peaceout love yea guys
I wasn’t there for the main event in question… but I will say reading this is cringy. “I’m sorry I was wrong, but you all made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes” isn’t really an apology?
Just keep it short homie.
Just say “hey guys I’m sorry”
The the whole forum goes “apology accepted.”
Thats cool, sorry its cringy, but i understand where your coming, im try my best okay, so please understand everyone noone here on this planet earth is perfect, some people think they are, there are very delusional thats the truth. Life is like a roller coaster it has its up and downs. Like my life. My life is not perfect eithier it has it has its up and downs. People need to understand this concept. So sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable, i really dont know how to make it less cringy really. So my best advice is just dont focus on this.
Ninja turtles!