I felt so under the weather at work today. And I was also nursing somewhat of a hangover. I went on a date last night. I had two Kopparburgs and a Gin and Tonic. We also went for a meal at a Chinese restaurant. He didn’t walk me to my bus though and he seems more progressive minded than I am. He didn’t even text me later to see if I got home safely. My ex did that. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for others to live however they like but I am personally a bit more traditional. I think maybe we are incompatible in that regard. I don’t think I will ever find a man in 2017 who shares similar values.
Have you ever considered dating on like a Christian dating service or something like that?
Seems like those guys would be more “traditional”…
Yes actually. But the men on these sites are few and far between. I just like old fashioned gentlemen.
I know,
We’ve discussed in the past…
Have you tried just being straight up about your expectations,
Sometimes men need that, you know?
Like “could you walk me to the bus? I’d feel more safe”.
I had honey and lemon last night and I will be having a panadol with paracetemol and caffeine tonight Some of the girls at work are sick too. It’s going around.
I feel like if he liked me, it would come naturally. He is a health and safety officer. I am not sure what he expects of me though. Dating is confusing. What is expected of a man or woman anymore. It’s a minefield.
Maybe you’re already doing this, but be really clear in your dating profile that you’re looking for a traditional old fashioned man and also spell out what that is in your opinion. That way, you are up front about your expectations and preferences and you hopefully get responses from men who are looking for similar things in a relationship.
I understand what you’re saying,
But sometimes you just have to be more direct.
Another woman would have been offended by him walking her to wherever and texting,
Dating is confusing for them too.