Here's something buzzy

I was just nuking a coffee, and when I opened the door, I found a ladybug had been in the microwave.

It walked out and was perfectly fine. It should have been nuked to death, I would think

Things that make you go huh…


Ladybugs are pretty resilient creatures.
I’m glad she lived through this.


Obviously they are tough. They’re beautiful little creatures


What climate are you in? I haven’t seen a bug yet this year. Only birds.

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The closest big city would be Toronto. It’s about an hour and a half away from me

I am right out in the country, so I get lots of bugs here

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I can’t believe it survived. But then I think of when you hit a deer on the rd they often run off like it was nothing and then they find a spot to die. Hopefully the lady bug didn’t have to crawl off and die. I like lady bugs.

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I don’t think she was hurt by it. She was pretty Lively coming out, trying to fly

This is what I love about dealing with other people with mental issues. We tend to be a lot more sensitive and caring, it’s not all bad


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