In my back bathroom. They’re brown but I don’t think their roaches. But there’s like a billion of them. Tbh that bathroom needs to be gutted. There was a leak and I had to replace the flooring for water damage. Also the ceiling is rotting where the vent in the roof wasn’t properly sealed. So I’m sure there’s mold and rotten drywall. I’m waiting for my dad to get around to fixing this stuff. Idk what to do.
I think these are the reasons I have bugs but I’m not sure. My house needs a lot of work really.
Anyway should I call the Orkin man or is there another way to fix the bug problem?
You could probably buy a few bug bombs/foggers if you want to get rid of yourself. May not solve the root cause of the problem though. And I’m not sure that they kill all kinds of bugs either.
If it were me, I would just call the professionals.
I think common household cockroaches usually have the long antenna’s, but I could be mistaken. We have none here. Our biggest problem is the ocassional gnat on fruit.