HELP! How long will it take for Invega Sustenna to leave my system?

I was on it for 6 months 234 miligrams monthly… i had my last shot about a month ago.

i dont understand all this talk about ‘half life’ what does that mean?


Where r from buddy.???

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My research indicates that it takes, on average, 200 days for Invega Sustenna to completely leave your system.

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Half life is the time it takes for plasma levels to fall by half.

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200 days damn thats a long time and i still dont get the half life thing

thank you though


200 days sounds long. wow

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This has made me paranoid. 200 days…

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I’ve gone off of invega for 3 days at the max, some of the more worying and destabilizing withdrawal symptoms I’ve had with anything. Please don’t go off with out close Dr supervision