Hi. Haven’t written here for a while. I’ve been in a good streak of luck for a while, gotten a good job and two wonderful kids. I also have an empathetic husband, one who deeply understands my illnes and gets me on track every time I lose it or tend to lose it.
Today, however, I have been pondering over dying or not more than I usually do. I’d call my husband who is at my in law’s with the kids (our appartment is not really inhabitable right now, we never managed to gather the money to make it inhabitable, especially with two kids running around - or crawling, respectively ). However, he is asleep now, as our little one kept him up all night and all day long.
It’s not fair to feel like that, but I do. I try to think of my kids, but the separation from them (I work 12-13 hours a day and have no time to visit them) makes me a bit … how should I put it? Unattached. I think the maternal bond didn’t form correctly, or isn’t maintained correctly. Leaving them motherless shouldn’t be an option, but it seems my mother in law does a good enough job of replacing me. I have no use for myself in their lifes.
I wanted to do a lot of stuff. Have a business of my own, learn a new language, take pottery lessons, renovate the appartment. But all of that seems so far away from me right now, that it hurts.
I don’t know if this is a horrible night or my last night. I’d say pray for me, but I don’t believe in prayers. I’d say talk to me , but I will probably have to face this alone.
Came into the house and haven’t even undressed. I hate the winter, I hate this cold I got, I hate the job that gave me so much sattisfaction beforehand, today I can’t understand how it is that people make it through the dqay without killing themselves.
What makes you live? Talk to me.Please.
I don’t even feel pain, so don’t pity me. I should probably call an ambulance and admit myself in a hospital, but I couldn’t live with the consequences (I have to open the store tomorrow, pay my employee etc., things that cannot be done from a hospital). So I just hang here with no solution.
Mybe the fact that I ask for help here is a good thing. Maybe it’s a sign I won’t actually do it. I don’t know.