one decade later and I’m back. I’m pretty sure this is the forum that I lurked, posted and found alot of friendship and acceptance back when I first got diagnosed with drug induced schizophrenia. 2008-2011 you guys supported and loved me. I wanted to say thankyou. also been lurking the internet trying to find somewhere where my voice is not lost. I love that there are so many ways to get help for ourselves online. it can feel overwhelming. Too many options usually results in me not taking any. anyways I’m ranting. recently I had a psychosis break and had to go for a small stay at the psych unit. Now back at home with my beautiful bunny and cat, my two best friends Feeling less paranoid and feeling slightly optimistic. lots of love and hugs, remember you are loved no matter how much you hate yourself. You are not alone. You are stronger than than you think. the pain will subside. You will find your peace.
I don’t know why I’m posting but maybe type between 1-10 how you are feeling. I’m at a 5.5
Thank you for the warm welcome back. many years ago this forum was where I started to understand mental illness , all the fun stuff. trauma played a big role in my psychosis n paranoid android days. It sucks I had a small psychotic break a week ago, but I feel I’m recovering, even if I’m doing it alone and find comfort being alone. I have one real friend but she moved to another state in Australia last year. I’ve def became a professional home dwelling hobbit, that’s okay. Sometimes I’m well enough to work. My work is a big advocate for lived experience workers so I have found a home there and do casual work facilitating mental health recovery workshops and groups. couple of years ago I was doing really well and was working regularly in NDIS support work. unfortunately my illness and trauma creeps up on me and I always go back to being alone and not working. Currently studying mental health peer work at uni but am terribly behind and in my 30s it’s hard to keep up. I try try try. Today I’m not suicidal which I’m thankful for. today I have moments of clarity n think clearly. I’m not crying when I wake the last couple of days which I’m thankful for. anyways I’m ranting again, thankyou for the welcome it’s nice to be out of hospital and I feel I have some control over my life. if you read this far I love you. take care feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to you. we are not in this alone. Hearts joel
Sounds like you’ve done very well for yourself. It’s admirable all that you’ve done. Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a back slide, but I’m sure you’ll come through
Thanks dcragg I try try try. I still lack purpose but I’m working on it. I feel all the messed up n traumatic stuff I’ve been through is not for nothing and I’ll be able to grow from it all and one-day use it for positive stuff like therapy work or helping others on similar journeys.