This is from anti psychiatry anti pharmaceutical propaganda B.S., if you dig deeper into it.
It actually cites mainstream reasons as to why AVHs occur .
What is the gist of it? Why do voice hearers hear voices?
inner speech model for verbal auditory hallucinations
Also known as misattribution model for verbal auditory hallucinations. The two names are used interchangeably to denote a hypothetical model attributing the mediation of some types of "verbal auditory hallucination (VAH) to a disorder of " inner speech. The inner speech model suggests that individuals experiencing VAH are unaware of their own verbal thoughts and that they may subsequently misattribute these to an external source.
As if hearing voices wasn’t creepy enough, now they want to put a face to them. Sheesh!
I was always called boring when I was a youngster and now I constantly imagine talking to people who I imagine are totally fascinated by what I’m saying. If that’s not psychological then what is??