Healthy food

Well my meal for dinner is gonna be a chicken salad sandwich (canned chicken, mayo, and sweet relish) and gluten free dairy free bread from the store and a fresh peach with herbal peppermint tea and water! I think my meal is pretty healthy if I do say so myself!

What did you have for dinner tonight? Was it healthy, unhealthy, or even somewhere in the middle?


I had sushi, not so bad!

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@Aziz I just added pics of my food

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@Aziz very nice, what kind?

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Are those peaches? What type of tea?

@Aziz yes, herbal peppermint tea

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Mixed, Salmon, cucomber, carrots, avocado, etc I think one type was called dragon eye?

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I had KFC so not the healthiest dinner ever. Could be worse though.

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I had broccoli nachos? :skull_and_crossbones: Definitely not healthy. But they tasted good.


@Aziz sounds good

@Bowens I don’t have a KFC around here we gotta go at least an hour to get to one


Broccoli is very healthy though

I mean, so are eggs. But that doesn’t make cake a healthy meal.

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@LED touche you have a good point

Well I’m on a thing where no matter what I always have a fresh veg

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Very healthy hmmm?

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You know what I really want for dinner? Fried catfish. :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

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Omg yes! We haven’t had any for a while because it’s pricey

Yeah, I can’t eat gluten, so I would have to make my own, and it seems like too much work for only me.

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@LED same problem here but usually my mom makes it for me… I too can’t eat it from a restaurant because of my celiac

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Potato mashy thing with spinach and such