I had homemade chicken and dumplings with black eyed peas.
I had katleti and pita bread.
I had fish tonight
I had kfc then got really sick and ate some chips
Hope you are feeling better now.
I am thanks @Turtle43 still have the stomach issues we talked about
I had a rump steak, chips, peas and egg…the steak was sold in clearance for £2.38 as it was on its last use by date.
A diet coke for me.
made rice and frozen vegetables and fried that together with tuna from a can in a tblspoon margarine
Meatballs, Italian style
Jes man that’s not even food.
I eat one meal a day to maintain my weight.
Takeout pizza and a side salad.
I had a big soft taco. It was so good.
Then for a snack I whipped up a couple Toaster Strudels.
A Subway Sandwich and Ginger Ale.
I had a Thai Mango Chili salad kit then made peanut butter chia pudding for dessert…the chia pudding is still setting and I’ve never made it before, so I don’t know yet whether it’ll be tasty or gross. I hope it’s good.
nothing 151515151515
Squid and octopus with bean sprouts and shiitake mushrooms over sticky rice with bulgogi sauce and Kimchi.
Bread and chicken
Making salmon with gingered and buttered sweet potatoes