Having second thoughts about going back to school

Like what’s the point? So I can waste money so I can get a degree that’s never gonna get me anything?

It’s actually cheaper for me to go to school than to live where I currently am living not going to school…but still I see no point in leaving my family all behind just so I can “change up my life” a little bit. Ughhh.

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school is extremely important… you will put it in your CV… It will be your education… you need to do it… trust me.
I will go back to school now if I can…

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I don’t see the point. i get a lot of money for disability and that’s like a permanent thing.

I doubt I’ll ever be able to “make more” than I get from disability…even if I got a diploma

I do read a lot so it’s not like I’m stoopid and not getting any educumaschakin (p.s. i know you know im not stupid)

disability is good but you’re so young… you’re gonna regret this when you turn 40. You need your education. Just go, make friends… learn new things… be the top of your class and love it… just adapt an easy going attitude through it… you will learn, you will work… imagine you meet the girl of your dreams… what are you gonna tell her? you’re on disability? or you make his much money at working at google or something>

Lol google?

What should I major in if i wanna work for google?!?!

computer science or public relations… you can do a lot of things… don’t lose your ambition because of this illness… you need to achieve a lot in your life and you can do it…!!!

Research easily obtained google positions…i want to be in a google think tank but ■■■■ how you get that job lol…

those things bore me to death tho :frowning:

i’m bored very easily

only thing i would consider studying is writing but that’s never gonna get me anything

One of the reasons I’m going back to school later this year, is because the social contact will be good for me. And I get to learn things, which is highly underrated.


you could study journalism and work in PR…come on!!!

I’m so proud of you!!! so glad you are doing this… I would go back to school too you know… I was thinking of studying neurobiology… I would do anything for education.

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Those are good reasons I guess

Maybe my family could live without me

Btw @sleepybug I’m signed up for cosmology and mythology this fall


There was this girl on my tour from California who was all into me and ■■■■. A hot redhead hippie girl…like my dream girl straight out of a magazine. And she was into me because of my "east coast swag’…i reckon…but for some reason i’m still having second thoughts :frowning:

Thanks Karen, it means a lot. It will be very challenging for me, having been cut off from people for so long. But I honestly can’t wait.

My therapist is fascinated with brain science and tells me some basic things about it… I think you will do well with it should you choose that… You’re smart.

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The school I’m going to is literally 5 hours plane ride away…

yeah… I had to think a couple of things last year before I chose my path… I have a good quality is that I learn quickly… but neurobiology is gonna take me 5-6 years and I’m already 27. I need to work too. So I chose funny random things for now… makeup is fun and social plus I will make a lot of money in the community… I do graphic design too. I will get by. some decisions are like that… depending on the priority.

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I’d have to leave my birdies behind, but I reckon there’s a lot of free spirits out there on the west coast

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I don’t trust people who call themselves “free spirits”…
I grew up on the West Coast… it’s nothin special… .not being negative, just honest.

Whichever makes you happy … i hope you can find what you like.

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where on the west coast did you grow up

east coast sux ass!!!

idk i fell in love with the school when i was out there…maybe it was because i was a “tourist” in a strange place but everyone was way more friendly