Have you had dreams where your teeth easily falls out

And it feels so real in the moment :flushed:


Yes but then i screwed in cork teeth because the dentist was too busy that day to do an implant.

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That’s a quintessential anxiety type dream I think and I get it too.

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Now just thinking of that dream, I was just checking to see if they’re gone

I never used to, until one week when I broke two molars at once. Now I have it all the time.

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All the time actually

I used to have that dream all the time, and in my dream I’d try to rush to the dentist but the dentist’s office would be closed.

I clench my teeth at night, and my teeth are often on my mind, so I do dream about them falling out from time to time.

I broke one molar clenching my teeth at night. I’m so sorry you broke two! I wish teeth were stronger!

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My dentist was pulling a tooth when the adjacent 3 or 4 teeth just came out in one piece
The mistake of a previous dentist.

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Oh, that’s a nightmare! I had four teeth pulled as a teenager and one of them crumbled into pieces, but nothing like what you endured. That’s horrible.

First week of my first hospitalisation. It was hard to tell if it was real or not.

Yes, when I was little I always dream about it because pulling my teeth out always painful.

Yea this dream is awful.

I ■■■■■■■ hate it.

So I’ve not looked after my teeth in the past now Im hoping for the best

Yes! And then I wake up and check to see if all my teeth are still there :sweat_smile:

my grandma has always said growing up that when she dreams about losing teeth it means that someone in the family is going to pass away

Years ago I used to have recurring dreams that my teeth fell out. It’s not a good sign.

Once read in a dream interpretation book that it means you are going to be rich.


I get this dream all the time that my wisdom teeth hyper erupted and they just fell out. Strange, concerning dream that my coworkers and I all laugh about because I work in the dental field.

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Yes I’m pretty rich maybe not by money though :slightly_smiling_face:

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