Have you ever had the hallucination of being raped or hit in the face?

I’m pretty much raped and beaten into catatonia and the trauma is doing irreversible damage to my mind. I try to say there’s no bruises or evidence but I feel it and can’t deny that it’s horribly painful. I’ve been raped so much, and I just want to know if anyone else has been through things like this.

@Anna? She’s mentioned things like this, I think.

I don’t think you’re alone. I’m sorry you’re going though something so horrible. Stay strong and don’t lose hope.

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Hey @neveragain. Good to see you again. Sorry stuff is bad - that ■■■■ must be horrible. How is your girlfriend?

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Yeah I wouldn’t call it an exact hallucination though but the sensation of being hit in the face was there. I could see light in my head moving in and out as if I was being hit in my face and I could kind of feel something touching me.

Dear God, that is horrific.

One of the men that kind of lives in my mind is ultra violent and I have the chronic fear of turning a corner, then he just elbows me in the face, I fall down and he just beats the ■■■■ out of me. Whenever I have any mysterious bruises I freak out and feel like it may have happened. Which is frequent because I’m super clumsy and have very fair skin.

I can see it and the fear is crippling.

So sorry to hear that, it must be a nightmare for you.

Surly someone has a similar experience and can offer some support.

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I did while having a bad trip once. But when i was actually going through psychosis i only had delusions that i was going to be raped.


If you want more info on it feel free to message me. We cannt talk about that kind of stuff here

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Yes I have had hallucinations of horrific sexual abuse before, molestation/rape the whole deal. I have also experienced some physical abuse, like feeling myself being strangled, having my hair yanked, being punched in the gut, feeling as though someone stomped on me, etc.

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

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you sound unstable…are you on meds? I hate to sound like a broken record on this forum but so many of these hallucinations and delusions need treatment…please consult your pdoc and ask if you can have a possible increase in your AP.


Sorry I’ve been away for a long time. I have started using cbd oil supplement extract and it has really helped me out a whole bunch. I reccomend that you try CBD extract when you have a chance my hallucinations have receded lately and I believe it’s because of the cbd extract supplement I’ve been using.

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No, but I’ve had the hallucination of being hit in the belly over and over again.

I’m really sorry to hear that. It seems like alot of people with this illness have to do with hallucinations of an abusive person 24 7 it’s rough but I’m doing a bit better.

I’m taking CBD supplement, and I’m on a ketogenic diet which has also helped with hallucinations.


I take a CBD supplement every day too. I no longer suffer from audible, visual, olfactory, gustatory, or tactile hallucinations. I don’t know whether to attribute this to meds or to CBD. Probably both. Also, getting older helps, I think.

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I believe the older we get with the illness the more adjusted we are to handling it. It’s a bunch of horribly violent hallucinations that we have to put up with and sometimes it sure is alot to handle.

I hope the medication regimen keeps helping everyone out. I’m on a no carb diet, and when I go outside the diet I get alot of hallucinations. But on the diet is a little bit easier on me, it’s amazing how just diet awareness can help you avoid a trainwreck worth of hallucinations.

My girlfriend wants me to play diablo 3 with her, but I’m just not interested in games like that much anymore. Still a classic gaming fan though, maybe I’ll hook up the sega genesis or something.

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My brain has invented traumatic memories that have never happened before.
I’ve had memories of people trying to attack me, and me stabbing them, or something like that.
I had one memory of someone trying to rape me in a public washroom. They had pushed my head against the mirror so hard it shattered and so I stabbed them with a piece of glass, in the leg, a few times.
It took months to realize this never happened.
Interestingly, the perpetrators are always male and completely faceless.

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I have many painful hallucinations like you. It all began in 2006.

Only in my sleep or in other dimensions/parallel universes/other simulations. I get memories when I wake up. Maybe it’s the Illuminati or aliens in my case…

I believe I died over a million times. Feel like I’m in a time loop. So far so good in this life except the horrible experiences in the local, private mental hospital.

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