Have you ever been punched

Have you ever been punched in the face, nose, eyes, or mouth, by your hallucinations? Or a visual hallucinations? Cause I just got punched in the nose by one.

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While I was sleeping i opened my eyes to wake and a hologram woman came up and tapped me on the nose and it scared the crap out of me. It was a half-asleep hallucination i got waking up.


I get punched a lot when I get tactiles. That or bugs biting me.

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I donā€™t really get tactile hallucinations that I know of. They sound pretty unpleasant.

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They are. Once I was lying in bed and I felt a hand grip my ankle. Like it was holding it down. I also get touched by a cat I hallucinate.


Btw I love your profile pic. Iā€™m in love with Rickā€¦lol

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Pretty sure I was raped while lucid dreaming

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Omygosh what? Thatā€™s scary. Iā€™ve been stabbed in the stomach by them.

I kept saying hail Maryā€™s because I thought the devil was present, ha then I heard the Virgin Mary say ā€˜leave this child of god aloneā€™ and it stopped. Iā€™m a guy by the way


Sweet! Iā€™ve always heard voices tell me Iā€™m a murderer or that I raped someone. Theyā€™re horrible. Did you know it takes 3 hours to convince you of something? Thatā€™s what makes voices dangerous.

Wow three hours no I didnā€™t know that,makes sense. My voices always prove things to me so I usually believe it straight away. Like they told me they have control over my mind and proves if by making think of something.i think thatā€™s called thought insertion though

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Yeah, Iā€™ve heard of thought insertion. Itā€™s terrible isnā€™t it? To hear scary voices that convince you of things. I wish I didnā€™t have sz.

So when it punched you did feel real, like were your eyes watering or nose bleeding? Sorry you had to go through that

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Yeah I had blood in my nose and a massive headache.

ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  hell! Why a punch in the face,thatā€™s just nasty. Getting raped felt so real too, glad Iā€™m not in prison

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Getting raped sounds way worse. Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that.

Nothing so serious. Just snakes on my back, raindrops on skin, invisible bugs biting me, feeling like I am peeing on my legs etc.

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I get a lot of tactile hallucinations, and this comes with the visual ones, too.
Most hallucinations either punch, pull, or crawl on my body. Itā€™s horrible.
Are you doing okay?

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Iā€™ve never been touched. My ā€œhallucinationsā€ donā€™t look real but Iā€™m terrified they might feel real so if one comes near me I scream and threaten them

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Iā€™ll be ok. Iā€™m not really feeling too many tactiles at the moment. Iā€™ll let yā€™all know when it happens again.