Have you ever get involuntary treatment from a mental hospital

if so did you involve to the medicine choice option ?i mean did you choose the medicine that gave you or they did compulsory treatment with specific medicines that you have not approved


Yeah, they didn’t want to treat me but they were forced to.


did you involve to treatment options? i mean did you gave the drugs that you want to ?

I was just joking, lol.

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I was given Haldol once involuntarily in a hospital. Held down by a bunch of people and everything. With no real reason except that I disagreed with a nurse. I was quietly sitting reading when they came in.

I was also ordered to take invega while in the hospital. I took it without a fight, because I knew after the court proceeding they would force me if I didnt do it voluntarily.


When I was in the hospital they didn’t ask me what med I want but once olanzapine did not work and they wanted me on clozapine, i told them i want to be back on abilify and they did. Once i was out i told my dr i want latuda and risperidone and he did what i wanted


thanks for reply.there is new mental health laws coming to my country and there is involuntary treatment act i m worried about this.thanks for infos


Here they don’t force treatment unless you are a danger to yourself or to the others afaik but i was never involuntarily hospitalized

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but first they asked the if you using aps or not right and if so which medicine are you using ? @Bowens @Aziz

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They knew I was off meds as my dr stopped my meds


I was in the same boat. I had been through court and everything. Knew I’d be forced into doing things their way if I didn’t do things voluntarily. I was scared outta my mind pretty much. No knowledge or anything about what sz was.


They asked me if I did drugs


Did they make you do a drug test too ?@Aziz

I have had to do them in the ER. They must have thought I was on drugs instead of having psychosis.


I was treated involuntary in the hospital plenty of times, it was only about 5 years ago that I had court-ordered depot injections. Eventually I became more compliant and was allow to go back on oral meds, during which I definitely had more of an input into which meds I wanted to take. It’s been a long time since I was “titled” (that’s Alaska’s commitment statute) and I’ve been doing much better since then. Clozapine, of course, has given me at least a semblance of a normal life, even at the lowered dose, I’m glad I’m on it.


I have been on my state’s version of this as well. I am not currently on one, thankfully.


First time no the pdoc just asked. Second time i cant remember well but when i was in my room in mental hospital they drew blood from me, didnt ask them for what


@Aziz I’m pretty sure drug tests are urine tests, not blood tests. That’s been my experience


@anon90992146 @WhiteRaven when you put you mental hospital did they ask or check if you previously or continuesly used/using medicine?i have no problem with compulsory treatment i m just afraid that if they exceed the max dose of my medicine as not asking my current medicine and if i using currently medicine or not.i know its kind a persecutary delusion but i can not help myself without thinking

yeah ive never been locked up voluntarily its always been unvolunterry. but idk. i mean they did used to inject me often against my will with haldol. but eventually after being there for so long i would give in and take whatever they gave me just so they would let me out.


My mom told her friend about me and she told my mom to get me involuntarily committed lol. My mom isn’t dumb, but she does some mind blowingly dumb ■■■■. No one ever approached me and asked if I thought I needed help even though I asked my dad and got to see a psychiatrist and our doctor separately. My mom sent me to this tap therapy crap where you tap your head and “manifest” healing Wtf idk. Got my chakras aligned too haha.

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