I’m going to cut ties with my brother. I’ve had it with him. He could care less if I lived or died. He’s a snake to boot. I can already feel a sense of freedom.
Have you cut ties with a family member?
I’m going to cut ties with my brother. I’ve had it with him. He could care less if I lived or died. He’s a snake to boot. I can already feel a sense of freedom.
Have you cut ties with a family member?
My brother, 20 years ago, no regrets.
Edit: 22 years ago
Couple of them.
Various reasons or another, but in interest of self care, they went.
They’ve tried the manipulation angle, the pity angle, the “but we’re related, you have to put up with my flagrant ■■■■■■■■ because you love me as family.
It wasn’t worth it, so I gave it up. And yes, it was for the better.
I cut ties with about half my extended family.
Haven’t missed them one bit.
I imagine my ties are cut with my family members. I’m going to have to wait and see though.
I cut ties with my dad. He physically abuses animals, abuses women, is far right politcally, has a wicked temper and treated my amazing mother like sh*t. I legit wouldnt shed a tear if he died.
Yes, i confronted my father about his sexual abuse in April 1993 and havent spoken to him since, nor anyone on his whole side of the family, except for my half sister from his first marriage (who is also cut off from him due to abuse).
No regrets.
Yep, several of my wife’s cousins have been bluntly told that they’re shite and to stay out of my life moving forward. El Wife Beast wasn’t impressed. My pointing out that I thought I was being nice by compromising on this instead of stuffing them into unmarked graves like I wanted to didn’t help.
I’ve never cut ties with a family member. I like my ties.
I denounced all of my family members and most of my friends. I certainly don’t want to meet my father ever again in particular. Thankfully, that is probably how it is going to be. I wish I realised sooner that I am my own beast and rallying towards family members will cost me more than it will benefit me.
I certainly recommend giving little room for error, both to others and to oneself.
I’m sorry @everhopeful
You sound like me with my brother.
Actually my brother has been pretty nice to me lately but it changes frequently.
Maybe take a break from him for a while before banning him from your life for good.
Maybe things will change.
I’ve wanted to cut ties with my brother many times before.
But in my case it’s not possible.
My uncle’s wife told my first cousin that I was a lesbian. I’m not a lesbian. When they were taking me home my cousin said you better be glad it’s me in here. What? My dad had just died a few days before we all got together for dinner.
They left me out of the family portrait. Then they changed their number. My dad’s side is nothing but ■■■■■■■ and ■■■■■■■■. I don’t trust my dad’s family. If they ever talk to me again I’m going to tell them to ■■■■ off. I doubt that’ll happen. Sorry to be so long in words.
My family cut all ties with my father. I felt bad one Christmas when we wouldn’t go see him, even though he was at a care facility close by. That must have hurt dad bad.
I’ve loosened ties with one of my nieces due to a difficulty getting along. She is a genius. I am sub-par in life. I was happy when she found other geniuses to hang around with. She requested years ago not to hug each other due to her having tactile defensiveness. I once wrote to her that someday we would hug again. Now I’ve accepted we never will. I still love her but we will never be close.
I have not cut ties as such, but I have limited contact with some people
In fact, my cousin I deleted from Facebook, as he didn’t respond to me on something important for my business.
He left my messages for over a week and couldn’t be bothered to reply to me
Many of my cousins are indifferent - we’re not there for each other unfortunately.
I used to be friends with an Italian family, and seeing how close they all were highlights how badly my family sucks
My mother has 6 sisters, and even they’re getting split up
When my nan dies, there will be nothing
My sister has cut ties with me.
She claims I’m unapologetic, selfish, and toxic.
I cut ties with my stepdad for a while until he worked on his behavior and I had time to work on mine.
We didn’t get along. I was a cranky prodromak teen, and he was mentally/verbally abusive and NOT ready for the big family he married into.
We have a great bond now.
I wanted to cut ties and even changed names trying to do so.
My dad molested me a few times but I love him unconditionally.
My mum was abusive psychologically emotionally etc
My sister n her family supress me and try dominating me and hate me but pretend to be nice.
I’m really uncomfortable around them and avoid them.
The disrespect and way they treat me is not ok.
Perhaps I believe in unconditional love .
I wonder if I was rich and independent if I would cut ties.if I would have the strength to do that.
My sister n them are absolutely horrible to me in reality.
I wish I had body guards or a army or that I was unapproachable to those who don’t value or love me but who hate on me, attack n supress me etc
So sick of the bad behaviour and so sick of loving unconditionally in a way isn’t that like saying it’s ok to treat me this way.
I keep contact also because I feel my former stepmother is real and genuine unlike the others and she wouldn’t accept me breaking contact with them but I do avoid them.
I can’t stand to be around my sister and her people or people like her who supress and attack n put me down to make themselves look better.
I haven’t talked to my maternal grandfather in 5.5 years. I haven’t talked to my sister in almost 1 year. They’re both toxic trash. Abusive and manipulative.
My cousin who’s flying in this weekend lol I feel the tension already smh
no I never have. Family means everything. plus friends, but nobody contacts me, friends, except my best friend Jason.