Have you been diagnosed with sz without having experienced full-blown psychosis? I have

Perhaps to you but to others you may be hitting certain flags. Psychiatry really is an art especially when it comes to meds and time constraints. It’s not unusual to think your sane around here when your out with the fairies.

Believing in things that aren’t real to most is pretty well a delusion is it not? Yeah you can argue semantics but I’d suspect it boils down to medication. You come unstuck off medication then it’s a moot point anyways.

Most folks around here need meds for life in our current medical tech.

The thing is we have schizophrenia or sza. You are trying to “join forces” will people who are ill all the while stating you are not. How do you think that comes off? What effect do you think you are having? What are you trying to accomplish? What’s your end game? Are you trying to turn us against our diagnosis? We accept we are ill. We’ve gotten past this part in our illness. You’ve only just begun your journey,

I understand your concerns, uncomfortable as I feel with your continued use of the majestic plural to buttress your case (see highlighted above). I don’t accept the legitimacy of the “we and you (me)” style of moral admonishment between forum members. This is a diverse community, with a wide range of views and experiences, and we are the richer for it. I might be in the minority, but I’m not the lone voice in the wilderness. Thank you for your input.

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