Have ya showered today

Just had my bath - with a dash of dettol in it. Didnt shave me hair tho - too cold, i decided. Clean sheets on bed as well, and washed me dressing gown with a clean pair of pajamas on. Christ im turning into a pensioner lol.


Took a shower and didnā€™t rush. I played ā€œBeatles for Saleā€ on my phone during it. Washing my hair felt great and I think my new shampoo doesnā€™t dry my hair and scalp.

The hardest part is putting on my underwear because I usually try to stand on one leg. My balance is better though so it went well.

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No but I will do so tomorrow morning. I have a schedule.

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Im freshly showered now. :slight_smile:

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I just got done with a bath, I had to wash my hair twice to get rid of the cream I had in my hair to try to heal my scalp. But now my hair looks good. As soon as it dries it will be all fluffy. lol.

Yes only way I can function.

iā€™m going to roll about in the mud, its a good exfoliation :slight_smile:

I did it. And washed my hair and shaved my legs. Quite the ordeal / chore but itā€™s done. My hair was bad

Havenā€™t had one yet today, but recently Iā€™ve been on track taking them daily

Iā€™ll take a shower tomorrow at 4am before my 8am saturday haircut.

I just turned the heat up to shower, hate being wet and cold

just showered after seeing this post, havent been good about showering lately

What in the Sam Hill are you talking about?

I had a hooker bath today.

I showered last night!

In seven years at this job Iā€™ve only gone to work without a shower at the most, 4 times.

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I didnā€™t today but I did yesterday and I had even washed my hair yesterday. Tomorrow I will try to take a quick 30 sec one

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