For the last three years I have gone to my psychiatry appointment complaining about stuff like paranoia. In fact it was solely about paranoia for two years.
A year ago I began to accept my psychosis and my pdoc appointments mainly focused on my anxiety. However non med interventions have mitigated the anxiety.
Right now i am happier than I have been for years. I just wish I could concentrate better. Especially on tv - I live alone in the deep country so I spend a lot of time on my own and tv/movies are dear to me.
For the longest time I put all my ‘negative symptoms’ Solely down to the neuroleptic meds. But now I think it may just be the illness.
I don’t want to risk going on amphetamines for increased attention so basically I have to put up with it.
Are there any talk therapies that can improve cognition?
Thanks for reading