Hate to say it but if we weren’t paying for all these animals we would have extra money. But I can’t let an animal suffer even if they aren’t mine. We pay for food, vet care, flea prevention, vitamins and miscellaneous other expenses like the shin tzu’s grooming. I love animals. I don’t even know why I let my in-laws do this. We don’t pay for their bigger two dogs thougg
Tell em to ■■■■ off
If your in-laws can’t afford to care properly for their animals, bringing them to a no-kill shelter could be a mercyful option
you are kind but maybe you should accept that they are your in laws pets and save up money to move out with your partner @cbbrown
They are taking advantage of you. They will get away with whatever they can.
It’s very kind of you to look after your in-law’s animal so well. However, it does reek a little of exploitation of your good nature that they aren’t being responsible for the animals themselves. Why on earth did they get all these animals if they weren’t going to look after them? Nothing grates my gears more than people who buy animals on a whim or fancy, but don’t actually look after them. Is there anyway you can sort of put your foot down and pass back some of the responsibilities to your in-laws? How about broaching the subject with your partner by your side?
Some people are terrible and don’t really see animals as feeling beings that can suffer and have their own little lives and bonds and personalities and just see them as a toy or object or decoration. They buy them because they are pretty or cute or cool, put no effort into caring for them other than occasional feedings, if the slightest inconvenience comes up they will abandon the pet or give it away like if they’re going on a trip and if it dies it’s like a toy breaking-oh well I can just get another.
I feel the same way with my dogs. My brother brought one and then my sister brought another one and they don’t take care of them.
Tried to talk to them about it once but they feel I owe them for staying with them. When they lived with my other brother in law and they had three dogs. Two pitbulls and a Chihuahua. The pit bulls were only brought inside to eat not matter the weather. Then the Chihuahua was only let out of her cage about once a day.
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