Has someone seen the serie Dexter?

Do you feel like him sometimes? The hiding part

I saw it, but after forcing myself through 3 or 4 seasons, I quit.
There was too much drama and lovey-dovey stuff and side-stories that had nothing to do with the main plot, and it just became painful.

I used to feel a little like him sometimes, when it came to feeling like I was faking emotions a lot, but now that I’m medicated, my emotions feel more real.

yes, i saw it a bit in france. But it was always triggering for me plus too much drama like berru said… Unfortunately, i still feel like a freak yes… and i still fake emotions…

wow, me too with the faking emotions and trying to be normal part!

Yes, I watched a few seasons of Dexter, and I really liked it. I’d keep watching dexter, except I don’t have money right now to spend on cable or netflix.

That’s sad that we all have to pretend to emote like normals. interesting.
What was it that shut down the emotion valve? Did i stop feeling due to the inhumane psych ward treatment? Did I stop feeling because the event of psychosis shocked my system to the point where my entire brain short circuited? Was it the dehumanizing ways society treats us that made me numb to my own emotions? Was it the blunted emotions from sz itself, just another symptom of the disease like flat affect? I don’t know, but i think we are different from Dexter in that dexter didn’t feel empathy or love for people. We can still feel empathy and love (most of us, I guess there are some outliers to that).

Imagine a cross between a sociopath and a sz. I often wonder if that’s how we got those rare mass murderers that killed while allegedly psychotic. One who falls into both the sociopath and sz diagnoses must be rare, though.