Has anyone had ect done to them? If so did it improve your schizophrenia and did it help your intrusive thoughts just. Appreciate all responses
This is what my pdoc is referring me for because I am not improving in areas of energy, passion, old self, and motivation. Life is very forced to me. 4
I had when I was a young teen but it was different back then. They put cymbals on my head. Back then it was for depression. I had 4 treatments and usually it takes much more. But again they were stronger then. I went from very sick to very well and normal. Unfortunately I had some permanent memory problems so not sure will have again
I’ve had 3 separate courses of ECT for depression.
They were 3 a week for 6 weeks.
Slight memory errors.
They use general anesthesia so you don’t a thing.
They keep you admitted for the first couple of weeks.
You can’t drive and need someone to stay with you just in case.
@JustTrish did it work for you and did it help intrusive thoughts?
ECT made my depression more manageable. ADs didn’t help before ECT.
I didn’t know what intrusive thoughts before ECT, so I can’t answer that question.
Before ECT, I didn’t care if I died or not. Now, I want to live, and be healthy!
Hi. Did ECT help with any symptoms other than depression?? Like anxiety, racing thoughts, fear / paranoia, etc? Ty
Yes, it helped across the board.
Sorry to bug you but with what kind is symptoms specifically, if you don’t mind. My pdoc is referring me for TMS but if don’t get accepted (I prob won’t) then he wants me to consider ECT which I had about 25 yrs ago as a young teen. It was harsher back then I know it’s not so bad niw. But still hesitant.
So ECT… I don’t have depression but I get stuck no activity etc and it hasn’t gotten better. And I suffer with a lot of other symptoms… I am just wondering what kinds of things it could help me with and give me relief with? Ty!
I know that ECT helps with depression symptoms AND sz symptoms.
Ok thank you. Everything I have read has only said depression. Or catatonia.
I was so mi that I don’t remember everything. I’m sza, so maybe it helped with the mood component which limited other symptoms.
Because it affected my memory so badly when I was young I dont want to jump into anything but I am trying to consider if it’s right for me. Like how it will help. I think my moods are pretty stable Like no mania or depression, except my anxiety is really bad. There are other things going on. Hopefully I get into the TMS
ive had ect done but not to treat sz…about 14 yrs ago I had it doen…it lifted my mood…not sure if its good for sz or not…maybe
How bad of memory problems? When did you have it done?
I had ECT done and it messed with my memory
My psychiatrist told me that ECT is not for schizophrenia, its only for treatment-resistant depression and treatment-resistant catatonia.
It can damage your memory permanently.