Has anyone tried Admin Jobs?

I am determined to get a job even though i am a bit of a wreck, i think if i try i could get better at it, i want to get a nicely paid job, maybe £30,000 a year but I’d start at as little as £10,000 a year..

Its all because of recent events and what someone said on the news about people on disability, & it was implied we were all failures and this really makes me upset, I would say that’s what she said :frowning: it definitely sounded like that way :frowning:

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I’ve had so many jobs mostly admin and within the NHS. I’m hoping to go back to admin but with reasonable adjustments this time.


I’m working an admin job with the NHS right now lol. Its my last week tomorrow with it. I don’t like admin v much, hoping to change careers soon.


Hey Ish, Sorry if this post sounds like the other one but i think call handler & admin is different.

I was looking at nhs jobs and I would love a job like that but most of them are full time, I looked at Other admin jobs but some sound very boring, my ideal job would be on a computer but also able to move around a little as i get anxious sitting in the same spot for too long :frowning:

how many hours did you do?

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Hey Mountain, thats great you have a job, its so hard to get a job with this illness and meds etc.

how many hours can you do?

I don’t think i could do full time atm and i am on benefits.

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Hey @daydreamer,

I work 37.5 hours a week but in the past I’ve had weeks where I only work 3 or 4 days in the office and have the rest of the days off, but still get paid for a full week- I’m agency though.

Yeah I’m able to work but it’s just so taxing sometimes with what I do (reading a script) I hate that stuff!

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Thanks for the info mountain,

Man, that is a lot of hours, you must be very functional,

Can you give me a brief description of what you do in a day?

reading a script sounds like what we call (prescriptions)

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I don’t know, I can do stuff that is mandatory like work but I really really struggle with doing fun stuff for my own enjoyment like reading or going back to the piano for instance.

So I facilitate the online interviews for trainee doctors who are attending interviews for the next stage of their specialty training. I make sure the interviews run smoothly, on time, and raise any concerns or technical issues with the recruitment lead. that’s all really. A lot of it is just pushing a button and waiting for a timer to go down, and then press the button again to initiate the next stage of the interview.


Man that sounds like an awesome job, idk how you could do that full time,

i honestly think a job like that would be too boring for me, but idk.

I hope you get back into the piano & reading mate :slight_smile:

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I do sales selling a service. Little bit of admin work and then mostly emails , a few phonecalls and renewing contracts. Ocassionally getting new clients, selling and onboarding.
Almost 4 years now. Its a stable job and low stress. Doesnt pay a ton but its a job i can be consistent at 40hrs a week.


I went from full time to 25 hours but they turned to increase my hours over COVID and j had a relapse.

Damn, sorry to here that

@LevelJ1 so you do 40 hrs a week, Howw many hours aare you actiive within that 40 hrs? like call time? dyou get a lot of breaks?

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In an 8 hour shift I’d say 2-3 of those hours are active. The rest I surf the web, read about stuff, chat with coworkers, lunch break is a 30 min walk, i get up to grab tea or coffee and have snacks. So it is a lower demand job in my opinion. Lots of downtime. There are weeks that are busier than others though.

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sounds awesome to me tbh, i think i could do that as well :slight_smile: (maybe)

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Yeah if it was 8 hours of hustle i’d probably not be able to do it. So I stick to this job lol

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I’m sort of obsessed with getting a job right now :frowning: my government has made it clear they dont want to pay disabled people benefits, they are doing everything they can to make it harder for people including, making the assessments much harder and even looking at peoples bank accounts for over payments, The whole tone of it seems to be directed at disabled people and saying we are fit to work.

My problem is that most jobs are full time and i have a feeling i will fail at a full time job, so i will be taken off of my Out of work benefits if i get a full time job and i would get less if i re-applied, doesn’t seem fair really.