Has anyone here tried latuda twice a day?

I wanna try it that way, what is the real reason we cant take it half in the morning and half at night. I dont plan on trying that this year but would half and half reduce akathisia.

I just wanna know like the reason, im not saying i will try it but theres gotta be a better answer out there somewhere

I tried taking it in the morning, but it just made me tired throughout the day.

Best time to take it is at night.

What does your pdoc say about splitting the dose throughout the day ?

Which one is latuda? We have different names like brand names and drug companies

That sounds like a good reason to take it all at night then

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You have to make sure that your getting the right amount of calories both times.

I take it at night. When I took it in the day I felt like a zombie. Now that I take it at night I barley have any issues with motivation and energy!!

I think the meds made my life even worse when I had to deal with side effects.

You had side effects? How long did they last.
It’s probably the med my pdoc wants to titrate me to in 4 weeks time

I was really low energy and sat around and watched TV all day. After changing it to nights I could do more again. It’s just how my body worked with it tho… maybe most people have lower side effects?

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It gave me restless leg syndrome

Ohhh I had that with Abilify it sucked
I got off it cause of that mostly
But I maybe should have gave it more time