Has anyone had voices that speak through them?

I have had voices speak through me and it almost feels like another person is living in me. It got so bad the other night that I saw people through my “mind’s eye” as they talked badly about me and expressed how they hated me. All of the people I saw were friends and family so it really hurt. Has anyone else experienced something like this?


I and another guy heard my name come out of his stomach.

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All the time… T_T

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Yeah I did. ‘Jesus’ did. That’s who the voice claimed to be. He spoke through me and said I was just a vessel and a wineskin…

Anyway glad thats done with!

And no I do not believe it was still jesus.

Stinky brain…

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A few times my heart spoke. It is so strange. Kind of like those people who have had their larynx removed and use those voice synthesizers, but I am the only one who hears it. It’s like my heart has a mind of its own or someone else is speaking through it. Terrifying at first, then I learned to just listen and ignore what it said.

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I had a conversation once with someone who had a woman’s voice and claimed to be “the alpha and the omega.” Among other things, she said she hated me because I only cared about myself and there would be no salvation for me. Delightful.

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Is that like “speaking in tongues”? Because once, I spoke a Spanish word I’d never heard nor did I know the meaning. I asked a Latin American what it meant and he told me, so it was a real word and it meant something important to me.

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Oh, and she asked me what my religion was. When I told her Catholic, she said if I ever go into a church she’d strike me dead.

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Yeah the mind is very strange

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