I wanted to know how effective it was.
I’ve wondered about this myself.
Hopefully I didn’t start a controversy
where did half the thread go, or am I hallucinating? And I have seriously considered ECT
They removed a certain poster’s posts
I’ve seen ECT do a lot of good before. When I was in a mental hospital in Dallas, Texas there was this guy who was put in restraints for about four months because he had tried to commit suicide. When they let him up for a little exercise he was barely responsive. You could see how depressed he was. Then, after he got ECT, he turned into a well adjusted, outgoing guy. ECT isn’t nearly as arduous as it was in the past. The patient is pretty heavily sedated when he gets ECT, and I don’t think they use as much electricity. In the past ECT was spoken of with dread, but it is used much more humanely today.
In my psychiatric nursing class, ECT is considered a last line treatment but it can work wonders on people.
We had two posters here who used ECT/TMS. They both got better and stopped coming.
I think they use it mostly for bad depression that is resistant to treatment. I think it can still be damaging to some people.
an old friend of mine had ECT for post pregnancy depression…she said she didn’t even want to look at her baby…and then boom instant love and energy as a new mom after the procedure…true story.
I’m going to ask about it for my case. My sza is bipolar but I am mostly deeply depressed.
@Doug. A month ago I had seven sessions of ECT for my depression symptoms and terrible anxiety. I found it really helped and I don’t think I am very depressed at all anymore and my anxiety level has really lessened. I have had ECT sessions three different times in my lifetime and they helped me all three of them One time I had temporary memory loss but it went away after two days So I highly recommend it . Ihave SZa bipolar type
I’ve had 3 series. It worked for depression.
i had ect, my mood kinda lifted after it
I was due to have etc but I have a funny heart so I didnt
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