Has anyone considered creating a sz case study?

I was thinking about creating a questionnire, that we could fill out, anybody with schizophrenia, that would be organized in such a way to connect similarities about our thoughts, and condition, so that we could better identify what we are all going through, being that i really feel like what we are all seeing is actually a specific, identifiable, important, and real thing, and it deserves a lot of recognition, for what it is worth, for eachother to acknowledge what we are oging through.

the questions i am having trouble coming up with, because there are a lot I would ask, but they need to be simple, easy to understand, and get reliable results, so the case study would be accurate.

what is your definition of schizophrenia?
what are your symptoms?
Do you think what you are going through is ‘real’?
did you have any ‘spiritual’ experiences?
did you ever acquire ‘special powers’? what were they?

i mean there are like a million questions i would love to ask schizophrenia, but does anyone know kind of what i mean, by recording a broad spectrum of answers from people, and using the data to find parallels or similarities, that would better lead to an accurate diagnosis of ‘schizophrenia’ as a whole? I really want to get somethign started, but its going to require a website page, a complete list of questions, and a data storage type thing, and then someone to sift through a billion answers for people, which could be considered personal data, so i may not be the person fit for the thing to be done.

anybody who thinks this a good idea, please respond, I would like to get some help in figuring this idea out. THanks :slight_smile:

I dont know. Even with a website I dont think youd get that many hits. You’d need a way of reaching a large number of sz people. Even this website fails…

I think people should just join up here and talk about it. It’s a slow process but at least its all in one archived place.

… To me everyone is telepathic, it really sucks. They had me really ■■■■■■ up for a while there. Sometimes I slip back into the chaos of self consciousness.

Unfortunately it is so pervasive in my life I have trouble believing its not real. It’s constant. Doesn’t seem realistic but ■■■■ happens that completes the picture. Hopefully they are just coincidences, but they happen all the time.

I want to just be left alone… but then I wind up incredibly bored.

This sort of data would be qualitative and hard to code and study. It would take a team full of people and lots of time.