SZ simulation

Has anyone here seen a video of a simulation of what happens in schizophrenic people’s minds? Did you find it accurate?

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Yeah - Ive watched the one on youtube. Didnt find it accurate - my symptoms are more “subtle” . Still a bit triggering tho.


Some of it i find accurate and other parts of it didn’t speak to me at all. I guess it just shows that we’re all different. We may have schizophrenia but our experiences are very individual.


@Sezbot241 @Naarai I found one that’s similar to my experiences but not exact also. It didn’t stress me out though. I have been dealing with it for so long without relief it makes no difference to me.


My problem with simulations is that they can’t express the paranoia, delusions, and negatives.
Most I’ve seen only focus on hallucinations, which is only a part of this illness


Omg i just had a deja vu of this thread

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@Ooorgle I totally get what you’re saying. I’ve found 1 that shows paranoia

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