So had to go down the club today and do a bit of raking. We have heaps of gum trees around and it’s been really windy! Gums are a nice tree but they drop leaves, bark, branches and seed so we are always cleaning up after them! It just makes the place look better and branches aren’t liked by the mowers!
So today I must have done 3 and a half hours of just raking up this debris! Lucky I’m a lot fitter than I was because this afternoon I’m stuffed! Not very exciting but I’ve found a schizophrenic brain isn’t too bad with repetitive tasks!
Mate it really is an art but it comes down to soil and moisture. I’m confident to do a good wicket and know all the steps but it’s taken me 10 years to learn the ins and outs. It really is an apprenticship!
Good soil helps! We use the same black soil they use at the Gabba! It’s high in clay …it gets hard with water…it really makes a hard, bouncy wicket!
It’s not a bad thing to do if you put your name down for!
Thanks @green5 . Yeah keeping busy is good! I do a couple of days volunteering a week most times. It isn’t a long day…I do 4-5 hours on average but I have to drive to the city an hour away!
It’s good having something to break up the week. I always do something different so that is good. If I raked the oval 3 hours a day I’d give that up quick! haha