Watcha all up to???
Can be anything.
S’all good. I guess.
Watcha all up to???
Can be anything.
S’all good. I guess.
I’m seeing my bro mum dad and cats.
They live south from me.
I’ll probably stay over night two nights due to public transport stopping. During the festivities.
Idk what we are doing thou
Sis has covid
I mean she’s just recovering atm.
So she can’t come
She normally does the cookin
I just got super stressed this morning, so my mother came over and helped me wrap presents, pack for me and Mason and clear my kitchen
Some times I get so overwhelmed when there is so much to do
I took a Ativan but still feeling stressed out
Tomorrow should be good though
Merry Christmas to
I hope you have a wonderful christmas
You deserve it
Ugh tell me about it.
I know that feeling too well
That’s why I’m glad I’m not working atm
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Xmas Jonathan.
Ugh it’s Christmas eve. I’d rather just play video games alone.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas . I will be doing as little as possible. Had my covid booster yesterday so spent the night with the cold sweats.
Yep! Thats what i will be doing as well.
I wish I could but my family has planned the whole Christmas and I have no time to relax at all.
Getting ready for tonight.
Going over my brothers house where there will be other family members there.
Wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas
I’m sitting in the Dallas airport waiting for my flight to Seattle, then flying back home to Alaska. I’m spending Xmas Eve in a metal tube zooming thru the sky with a bunch of other people doing the same…but at least my mom packed me some Xmas cookies to eat on the way! Everybody have a joyful (or at least average) Xmas Eve!
Sounds really exciting
Merry Christmas to everybody.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas
It’s definitely not.
I’m just watching TV. I might watch a movie with my dad and maybe my stepmom. She’ll probably want to watch The Office. I got her all the seasons for her birthday and we’re on season four now.
You’re so lucky to have such a good mom.
Just started work for the day, going shopping right away when I’m off at 1 pm, then it’s prep for tomorrow as my wife is still stuck in bed with an injured back (been just over a week now).