Halp me please

i want to quit smoking weed… now

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Try starting a new hobby perhaps? So you don’t have free time to smoke. I didn’t think MJ was addictive so I’m unsure what else to suggest.

Your mom gives you money to buy weed?

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You generally will have to dissociate from the people you are around that still smoke it.


I just quit a month or so ago. I still want to smoke because it does help with my body pain, but I have noticed a real difference in the number and intensity of what I call my episodes. I mean, when all my symptoms are working in unison as opposed to just doing their thing independently. That’s decreased since quitting smoking grass.

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You didn’t say so, but, if you are sz/sza, marijuana will only make your symptoms much worse, as you know. If you smoke weed, why even bother taking anti psychotics? The weed will just cancel out the meds. Wasted money, wasted time. Give yourself a chance to get better. Quit the pot. (I’m speaking from personal experience of being a former social toker).


Narcotics Anonymous. (Saved my f-ing life.) https://www.na.org/

Find meetings in your area at http://www.na.org/meetingsearch/

You can also go to AA meetings and either keep mum or declare as an alkie.

  1. How long have you been smoking?
  2. What other illicit substances do you use?
  3. Does your significant other smoke? (if you have one)
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I respect @notmoses and the AA dynamic because he/it has helped many including myself, but I do not agree with those words and see them as potentially discouraging.
The program is an honest one and one should not feel that one should have to hide or claim to be something they are not.
I’ve personally witnessed many an addict leave AA programs because of these “stigmas” (true or not).

I’ve seen a few in 38 years (31 clean & sober), as well. Many drug addicts don’t see themselves as alkies when they walk through the door. If they hang around long enough, however, they will.

That’s the key. You and I know the politics many AA groups hold. And you know what they say about first impressions.

I do. But I’ve seen many that make plenty of room for the addict until the addict knows he or she is an alkie in waiting.

With all that said,

would be a good start IMO.

I agree. If NA is strong enough in one’s home town. It usually is in most metropolitan areas.

I am an addict who never drank alcoholically. I got clean in 1990 by going to AA meetings. I never tried to hide the fact that I was an addict in an AA meeting. Over the course of 25 years I have attended many AA meetings and been a “regular” at quite a few. In 25 years, only two people have complained about me being in these meetings and both times other members stuck up for me and said it was OK that I was there.

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Have seen this many times, as well. Glad it happened for you.

Did you get the muggy rain storm up there?

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It didn’t rain in the morning or in the afternoon. I laid down for a nap at 4:00 pm and I just got up an hour ago at 12:15 am. It might have rained while I was asleep.

I have to ask what is the difference between AA and NA? I just checked about NA here and they have meetings only in Zagreb (the main city). And it is in some church (?). No way i could make my sister to step into the church.
Still i think about sending them email.
Maybe they will have some advice for me.

NA = narcotics anonymous
AA=alcoholics anonymous

One is for hard drug users like your sis and the other is for alcoholics. Basically the same format I think though, but I’ve never been to either.

And emailing them for advice definitely couldn’t hurt.

Has sara ever been through rehab before? It might be helpful to her.

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AA is Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s mainly for alcoholics. NA is Narcotics Anonymous, meant mainly for people who are addicted to heroin or pills or other narcotics. AA was formed around 1930 or 1940 for hopeless alcoholics. NA was formed around 1950 or 1960 and is modeled after AA. They both use 12 steps and the same format for their programs.

Just because the meeting is held in a church does not mean the meetings have any affiliation with the church besides just paying them for a room or space to hold a meeting. You might want to consider online meetings for sarad. You could go to the meeting in the church yourself and see if any of the members have any advice or any suggestions on getting sarad clean.

But yes, an e-mail sounds like a good idea. If you really wanted to, you could buy the NA main text which explains the nature of addiction to narcotics and talks about recovery and many other aspects about addiction. The book is very informative and easy to read.

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“This is a simple spiritual—not religious—program, known as Narcotics Anonymous.”
Here is an intro to NA