Halo TV show on Showtime by Steven Spielberg


Lots of gamers here. I beat the most recent Halo on the easiest mode, so that makes me a Halo expert. I want to see the origin story of Master Chief. I don’t really know the whole story about saving the world and everything, so that was the first Halo? I do like how Steven Spielberg tells a story.

@zeno what do you think?


Interesting, I was not into halo, my cousin had an xbox and played it all day… I will tell him. :slight_smile:

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Good news, there’s a lot there to be explained.


I have an Xbox One and have in recent times played all the halo games again. The only one I haven’t finished is the Halo Reach campaign, which I have recently begun.

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Yeah I played Halo Reach with a friend on Co-op. This was a while ago. Fun game. The backwards compatible games are a good thing. I’ve played Halo Wars for the 360 on my Xbox one.

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I remember playing halo in middle school at my friends house. Was cool :sunglasses: back when I liked video games

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Hey guy,

What was your name before bigjohn?

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Goyankees before that it was chew and before was turningthepage


Yea now i remember


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