Haldol and Restlessness

Coming up on one month of Haldol. Have had this terrible restlessness, can’t sit still in one spot for more than a few minutes and have to keep shaking my leg/moving feet all the time. Don’t know if it’s akathisia or just restlessness because I don’t know the difference. Is this common as a side effect from Haldol and if so is there anything I can do about it? Anything the dr might prescribe to deal with it? Haldol is working so far, I’ve noticed an improvement and I don’t want to stop taking it unless I absolutely have to. I have tried Benadryl as directed as well as Vistaril/Atarax and even Xanax, none of which really helps. At this point it’s only my legs and feet that have to be moving and once they get tired I can get a break… Sometimes…

Cogentin might help. They prescribe it a lot with Haldol.

I got a restless feeling on INVEGA. My doc prescribed Lexapro which is anti anxiety medication, that has helped tremendously

So then this restlessness, physical restlessness, is basically just somatic anxiety? Because I’ve tried anxiolytics (Xanax, Neurontin, and Vistaril) without any luck. But antidepressants like Lexapro work? Interesting!

Well they did for me.

Haldol does that to me, try something else.


I’m looking into other options, I have an appt with my psychiatrist on Thursday so will ask for something new. Do you know of anything that doesn’t have restlessness/anxiety as a side effect? I don’t care about being tired or dry mouth or any of that just don’t want the restlessness because it really causes me problems.

I tried Haldol once at a high dose (involuntarily injected years ago).

It made my body very restless and it was horrible.

I fear being prescribed antipsychotics when I tell my doctor about my symptoms…If I muster up the courage to.

I would request the DNA test. For me, Latuda seems to be the answer.


What DNA test? OMG.

There’s a DNA test, swab your cheek, and they’ll tell you which meds are best for you. All types of meds, including anti psychotic meds. I posted it on the forum, results of my DNA test. Search for alpha genomix, the company.

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Haldol made me really sedated and stopped any physical agitation. But I know that akathisia is very common with Haldol as well, so it could be that. You could definitely try talking to your doctor and DO NOT take Benadryl for this as it gravely worsens akathisia.


The dr who gave me the Haldol said to take Benadryl because it would prevent dystonia. That’s why I was taking it but have since stopped, I’m using Vistaril instead. Will that also make akathisia worse since it’s an antihystamine?

It will prevent dystonia, but won’t necessarily help with akathisia. I don’t know anything about Vistaril, but I know that when I experience drug-induced akathisia, Benadryl makes it a million times worse for me because Restless Leg Syndrome is a known side effect of it.

Thanks HulGil. I’ll avoid the Benadryl from now on!

Here in the U.K. Procyclidine (kemadrin) is routinely prescribed along with haldol - specifically to combat the akathisia. In the us I think they use cogentin but I don’t know anything about that.

cogentin didnt help with akathesia when i was on haldol

Cogent in didn’t help me either. It took over 3 weeks after I stopped haldol to feel like the akathesia was subsiding.


I’m not totally sure it’s akathisia because I have times when it isn’t a problem. MOST of the time I’m having trouble sitting still, pacing, etc. I feel like I always have to be moving. But I do get maybe an hour or two each day where I don’t feel this.

My pdoc and I call that akathesia.