Had neuroligist appt today

I had an incident back in February and we are just now getting things checked out.

Besides checking the basics like weight and blood pressure. Basically what they did was ask me a bunch of questions then have me perform mental and physical tasks

For example, she had me try to say the months of the year backwards starting with december on the mental side. Did about 10 minutes of tasks like that.

On the physical side, she had me do things like closing my eyes and touching nose with finger. Also had me do various walking, like walking on tip toes and and heels. Also the sobriety walking test.

After all this, she set up for me to make appointments to have a EEG (electrodes on head) and an MRI and then come back in 6 weeks. Scheduling on the weekday I wanted actually pushed it back to about 8 weeks until the beginning of December.

Anyway, that was my appointment today. I remember there was someone who may have been going to a neurologist and wanted to know what to expect, so there is my experience. I can’t remember who wanted to know what to expect.

I’m satisfied that we are being thorough and trying to get to the bottom of what happened, even though I seem fine now.


Yeah sounds pretty thorough matey. Hope you get to the bottom of that episode. It’s hard when you’ve a MI in the medical field. It’s often a reason to not do too much digging when it comes to medical issues.

Glad you got some satisfaction and your still in the loop so to speak.


I’m sorry @Bowens but what happened to you in February if I may ask?

Yeah, they know what meds I take, so there is always some suspicion that they may not take you seriously and think its all in your head, but my experience was good and they seem to be taking all necessary steps to figure out what happened and see if anything is still going on.

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I’ll try to keep it brief. But basically I was on this forum makin a response to a user and all of a sudden I got a massive headache and couldn’t think and come up with words. After several minutes trying to finish up my response, I decided to get some air so I grabbed the dog and went for a walk in the neighborhood. Despite only being a block or two from my house, I got lost in the neighborhood and it took me awhile to find my way back.

I then was disoriented and confused with a headache for a significant period of time after this incident. I cant remember exactly how long. but it was weeks.

Thats the gist of it.

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Oh I’m sorry @Bowens
Yeah it’s a good thing that you went to see a neurologist then.
Hopefully they’ll get to the bottom of this.

Good luck with everything

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It’s good that you followed up with a neurologist and that they are ordering additional diagnostic tests.

Have you ever had a brain MRI before? I have had several over the years and I was caught a bit by surprise during my first brain MRI when they placed a coil over my face. I refer to it as the Hannibal Lector mask. :smile:

A brain MRI requires the use of a helmet like coil. There’s a good description of what to expect in this article.

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I’ll be totally honest with you. I get the scans mixed up. I believe I’ve had cat scans several times. I thought that I had had an MRI when I was inititially diagnosed almost 10 years ago now, but I DO NOT remember the coil, so maybe not. But this was almost 10 years ago and I was deep in pscyhosis so I may just not remember it well.

Thanks for the info and article.

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