Getting an” neuropsychological “ exam. What should I expect? Both my psychiatrist and psychologist wanted me to do this. I was told to expect it to take around 3 hours. Other than that I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I have one scheduled on the 4th of next month. Can let you know then if you want. When is yours scheduled?
I’m going Nov. 6. Witch is quick for a VA appointment.
Starlet recently had one. Neuropsychiatrists are different from neurologists. You will likely be doing a series of logic puzzles and answering questions that seem unrelated. They primarily do IQ tests, and test for autism/adhd.
Mine is neurologist, btw. just to clarify @Funkeldunks .
How can i ask my doctor to do these test. I suspect my neurons are damaged from overthinking because from my mood swings. I take mood stabilizers and they dont seem to work often.
I did it in mental hospital when I was first diagnosed. Its kinda an IQ test. They told me I did good. I think its bs, it doesn’t test real intelligence as I can’t even work and I did good lol
It does not test social and emotional intelligence or creativity.
Just looked at the appointment and it says “neuropsychology” and my pdoc just said he’s setting my up with neurology. So there is my confusion. So it’s not a neurologist. They decided I needed to see some one because i have memory gaps. Like one time while in the army I was doing laundry and woke up on the floor with a broken elbow.
I had one done years ago. Your ask a bunch of questions and you look at cards of pictures and other strange stuff. I think it was one of those tests.
That is a good reason to see neuropsych.
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