Got call from neurologist finally

Have an appointment in September to see if they can find anything out. Would be great if they could explain my incident in February. Although, I have mixed feelings about that. In a way, I dont want them to find anything wrong if they have a scan, but I’d like an explanation as well.

So, I dont know.

I feel reasonably good cognitively now, so maybe whatever it was , was just temporary. IDK. Like I said, mixed feelings.


Hope it will go well for you.
Best wishes.:pray:t4:

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Good luck matey. Hope you get some answers.


Good luck @Bowens . I hope you have a thorough, kind, and helpful neurologist


What happened during the incident, I think u felt confused, but I’m not really sure.

It’s good u have something confirmed for September. It’s a bit far away but at least it’s confirmed and happening, the appointment

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While I was typing a response on the forum I suddenly got a massive headache and couldnt think. I had a hell of a time finishing my response because I couldnt come up with words. Then I went outside to walk the dog and got lost a block from my house. I had cognitive issues and that headache for awhile after. Dont know what it was.

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Oh OK. I’m no professional but hopefully they’ll do some sort of useful headscan.

That would perhaps provide useful insight if any.

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I hope it will be okay. I’m glad you are going to the doctor. You gotta take care of yourself.

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