Had a shower today

Remembering to shower regularly has been a problem for me recently. I am very pleased that I showered today and will try to do so every day if possible, like I used to when I lived with my parents.


I had a shower today, I can’t believe I hadn’t showered in two weeks, it’s terrible, I really need to focus on this more.


I like to too :blush::blush::blush:

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So I had a shower today for the first time in twenty five days, ughhh, I can’t believe I used to shower everyday at my parents’ house and at university despite being ill. This really is unacceptable, saints may be able to produce perfume from their bodies, but I know I have been producing a mixed bag including tobacco scents, I’m going to try and shower tomorrow as well to clean up my act.

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I showered tonight as well, i had a nice walk and my pits were a bit stinky so i showered when i came in while my pizza was roasting in the oven, my hair is a complete mess though. its all puffed up and ■■■■, i put some deodorant on so that should last 48hrs but its been a week i think (maybe)

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So I had two showers today, five days after my last one, which is an improvement. :slight_smile:

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Ill probably shower after i work out. Today is arms and chest day.

Keep up the good fight

have all been washing hands? i sometimes forget, we’re supposed to during lockdown

so I might have missed logging a few showers, my memory has been focused on other things recently, it’s been an effort just to check the day each morning, but I had a shower today, so that’s at least once in the last nine days. Thank you.

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