Guys you're gonna have to help me

I’m losing my mind and whatever I do I do need to protect myself. Don’t tell me not to. I’m not thinking. Just tell me how to keep myself safe if I have to do this. Whatever you think of me “■■■■ whore or whatever”. I just want to feel safe.

@77nick77 I know what you’re thinking but whatever I end up doing I need it to be safe

Are you talking about meeting up with one of those guys? It won’t be safe no matter what. They don’t know you or care about you and might lie to you about them having diseases, they could even be abusive. I mean if nothing else consider that they are the sort of guys trolling the internet for women who are unstable or have low self-esteem in order to pump-and-dump-them, these are not good guys sending you these disrespectful messages. There is no way to make it 100% safe. You’re not a whore, you’re just going through tons of stress, are episodic and impulsive and obsessing. Ever consider that maybe losing your father in such a graphic and dramatic way right now might be adding to your desire to go out and connect with a man? There’s tons of things going on right now, @anon80629714. If you need to go to the hospital then GO because meeting up with malignant strangers online to be used in unsafe sex is a form of self harm and you deserve better. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, it’s supposed to be safe and respectful and you should be comfortable and relaxed.


Hey, Ish, what’s up? You seem distressed. What are you trying to be safe from, exactly?

I and many others only think well of you here :slight_smile:

I agree with turnip. Someone once told me that if you have doubts about having sex with someone, don’t do it. That very person was a boyfriend of mine. We did not do it that night, and I was grateful.


Shall I check myself into hospital? I am making arrangements to meet him after telling him I’ll kick his wot sit if I see him again. I make no sense.

You just have to be a better judge of someones character and not date people who are obviously not good for you. I am really worried for you if you even considered for two seconds that you would contact or consider meeting that guy. There are good guys out there who are trustworthy and honest. Like I said before, a 30 year old women who wants to have sex is nothing unusual. It may be harder for women on the dating scene Men usually not physically afraid of the women they date since they are men. But girls are physically more vulnerable in many situations.

I’m not saying women are helpless, there’s plenty of woman who are capable of defending themselves to a degree. Anyway, you will have to pick better men and trusting someone to not hurt you emotionally or physically is tough but not impossible. I’ve seen my sisters date some good guys, they’re out there.


Guys I’ll see my GP on Monday first thing I don’t care about work right now

I’m frightened and my thoughts are frightening the life out of me.

Maybe it would be a good idea. Your stress load seems to be through the roof, and there are multiple reasons for it, so it’s justified. I don’t want you to get hurt, you’re a very sweet person and don’t deserve to be hurt.

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Sounds like a good idea. Are you going to call your job if you miss any work? I’ve gotten fired from two or three jobs for leaving or not showing up without calling in first. I agree that your mental health comes first but you might want to try saving your job somehow.

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Block his number and give your phone to your mom to lock up until you see your doctor.

What kind of thoughts are you having when you continue to contact him? What tips you over into thinking it’s a good idea again? Maybe if we understood how this seems so irresistible to you, we might be able to rationalize with you better.

He’s a complete and utter waste of space and liar. I can’t tell my mum I’m still in contact with him. She’s got enough to deal with.

When you want observe change, do something you have never done before.

Take a step back, disconnect from him - you don’t have to specify for how long. You don’t need to justify your actions either. Distract yourself another way. This is where the quote enters the equation.

Poor ish, you r not fighting against that guy but fighting against the extremely massive dopamines inside your brain. Due to the antipsychotics you take regularly, your brain has excreted massive dopomines once you fell into love with someone, much harder to get your brain under control. It’s not how good and attractive the guy is, it’s just how violent and wild your brain has become. It’s like you are poisoned by some aphrodisiacs.

I wish your mom could protect you from this fragility of your brain. Also wish you had the strength to protect yourself.

You should come to this site more often and get some support at this critical moment.


I’ve been prescribed a mood stabilised but I can’t get in it until Wednesday.

Tegretol? Spelling? Thank you @erratica. I’m glad someone understands. He’s a complete moron and I have no feelings for him. Maybe that’s what he’s aiming for anyway.

After I get this out of my system and I never see him again I don’t care