Guys please help

I’m freaked out.a voice just said I’m thedevil I haven’t taken my meds yet.can someone stay on thread with me taking my meds?

Voices always say ■■■■ like that, trying to make you feel like the worst person on earth, since they feed off of the host’s negative emotions. Don’t worry, you’re not “the devil”.


They tell me that too. I’m an evil person and have a evil spirit. I’m not worth living or being alive. That I should die. That it would do the world a favor if I killed my self. I know exactly what you feel. Together we experience the same thing. Together we’ll fight on. We deserve life and love and we’ll get it if it’s the last thing we do.

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Thanks y’all it’s been ten minutes can’t feel it yet

I thought with the increase of latuda it would help.

If I could I would hug you roxanna you’re a strong person to hang in there like this and to come here before doing anything you would regret.

My neighbors are demons they’ve been harassing me for a year now. I think I’ll start ignoring now.


Thx for sticking around a bit goodnight from Texas


Gonna go shutvoices out


I know how it feels. I spent two years in an appartment where I could hear my neighbors talking about what I was doing. I just said ■■■■ it, idc if they talk about me.


I hope I quit Caring too

Feel for ya roxanna hang in there
Honest reality it’s not real,
But sz mind ■■■■ like that happens, hope you can at least feel a little better today, it’ll pass just have to belief it.

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I’ve given up hope

Maybe you should call your pd, and get a med change…medication was always the light at the end of the tunnel for me when I felt hopeless. I’m here to talk if you need somebody to talk to.


Being called all kinds of cursing today. Just got called gay from tenant above. I am not gay. I am crazy as hell though. Yeah thanks I get to feel like I’m in a ward todsu. When you pray to God he can thump you away like a cricket.

Hey @roxanna. I hope you are able to ignore these neighbors today and get some peace.

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I’m going to try and bicycle today. Thx anything to do besides waiting for harassment

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Have you thought anymore about the hospital? My Latuda was just raised, too. They want me to go in the hospital, but I’m trying to get through with just a med change. How about you?

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I have been trying with the my raise a little with my latuda. A voice said it was the devil coming out of the tv and the other voices were demons. I have to call my caseworker tomorrow.i don’t have a appt with my pdoc til Jan 142019

I’m hanging on cos I’ve got to take care of something s.