You have no reason to live. I guess I don’t. I get harassed everyday. I have no place to go if I need help. So I’m screwed.
Please don’t leave
How long have you been on your new med? When do you see your dr next? Can someone go with you to your next appointment to advocate for you and explain how bad this really is for you?
I’ve been on latuda over a year. My appt is Tomorrow. No he won’t go.
How often do you see your doc?
1-3 months. I’m hoping there’s a change tomorrow.
Please make it clear how much your struggling. You need help! Hearing people insult you constantly is too much to deal with.
I just tried suicide hotline chat but my ■■■■■■■ phone is a pos. I’m not talking on the phone because the assholes upstairs listen. ■■■■ everything.
I’m sorry @roxanna I just want to offer my sympathy
Wait till they go to sleep. My voices at least always stop then
You should see your doc more often. I go every month
Bella walked over to me and licked my hand. When she saw I had all my pills out she come and sat by me
You’ve made it this far! You’re a CHAMP!! You keep fighting with bravery and strength! Tomorrow is an important day, and you’re ONLY ONE DAY away! Almost there! Hold on tight, Girl!
Tomorrow you are going to SPEAK YOUR MIND and ask for a NEW MED!
They r horrible
Be strong
Feel power
Disturb your self from their voices
There are suicide hotlines you can text with so your neighbors won’t hear. Don’t kill yourself. This will get better. @Ninjastar doesn’t your recommendation for the suicide hotline include a number you can text with?
When I get my suicide thoughts these days, I ask myself why I should listen to the squatter in my head. Nowadays, I treat it like I am the teetotaler who is no longer with AA but lets his old drunken buddies squat in the couch of my mind and insult me while I put up with them and give them a place to be until they sober up and leave. You know they will leave after a while because you have experienced it right? Sure they come back but its just a matter of patience. You’ve put up with them before so you can do it again. You are stronger. @roxanna …dont let them trick you.
Hey roxanna why dont you try renting a trailer or something where you dont have upstairs neighbours? I know it can be annoying
Hey, @roxanna, sorry I’ve not been around much lately so I’m out of the loop. How did your last hospital stay go? Did they increase your Latuda? I’m sorry it’s not any better, though. That really sucks.
Please hold on, though. If it would be easier, you could write everything down and just give the note to your doctor. I’ve done that plenty of times when I wasn’t able to convey how bad things were.
Hang in there.
You can text 741741 and be connected with a trained crisis volunteer.
Thanks y’all. Im just pissed at everything and I’ve been sick for a while. I’m going to write down what I’ve been experiencing so the pdoc can see. Wish me luck.