Ive got an amazing idea for a song, but I just cant seem to put the pieces together. I dont know what it is, but it just doesnt sound quite right. Anyone have any tips to break out of this?
Its your job when you want to be the creator. You are the artist. As a writer i do brainstorming. I write all the keywords on one sheet of paper. Like a construction you build the funduments and scuffolds and you can leave it till you are ready to do more work on it. A creative break.
Thats a good idea, maybe I should write out the chord progressions I have and fill in the blanks later. Thanks!
I just play random chords in a 4/4 beat until something sounds like how I want.
Sounds like what I do haha, maybe with a lick or two thrown in
Maybe I should get into 6/8 time
Depending on how many parts you are trying to string together, maybe try and work on a bridge part that you can alter slightly for each part that needs connected depending on the dynamics of the upcoming riff.
When I was playing guitar, I would play a few pieces of some songs and try to construct them together to form my own.
But I’m a programmer, so that’s the way I would roll
Hey @Schizoidman funny you should mention a bridge, thats exactly the part I was stuck on! I hvae a hard time getting them to fit together seeing as how Im doing a key change in this song lol. Thanks for the advice!
@Mr.Dre spoken like a true code monkey lol. Ive been getting more into programming now that I have to for classes. What languages do you code in usually?
I always liked C# for it’s capabilities with web development, but now I’m back to C++ in Unity Studio.
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