@MOomop Please do tell… Alex still talking to you?
@Rhubot Please don’t suspend my account… am genuinely interested in Alex… although his numbers didn’t win, I feel it relates much to me, so I just want to understand how… so please don’t suspend me again… the last comment that got me suspended was meant to be a joke, nothing more - am incapable of insulting another human being - literally, it’s above my reasoning capabilities ( just ask any other schizophrenic)
like the pope once said, ''See no evil, hear no evil" videat malum, malus audiat
lol, nice, what account were you? or is this the account that got banned?
I was in the real life communication account… But I missed saying crazy stuff too much
I got to a point where I had to rationalize most of the stuff I was telling my friends about lol
But lucky for me, I got sz.com… so no more rationalization required as a cover to hide my crazyness ofc : hahahahaha… but seriously, even sober me would have believed the stuff I was claiming