Sexuality is so goddamn pointless. Many men in my generation are becoming celibates thanks to the ever increasing divide in sexual equality. We had our foreskins sliced off, then told to behave at all times - touching oneself was heresy, but then the exhibitionists & pornographers threw their flesh in front of our faces on-screen when we as children accidently came across their despicable conduct, throwing us into manic retardation & sensual addiction. Some “design”; slaughter our soul then enslave us to filthy voyeuristic addictions.
And procreation? Pfft! What a daft program. We should have ascended out of Earth rather than someone’s body, maybe then we wouldn’t have been treated as someone else’s property all the time. There was an infinite amount of ways to design human creation & especially spawn them, but no - pick one of the routes that is the most perverted out of them all. It’s such a slack design when you think about, the easiest and dumbest style fathomable.
If given the option to choose mental & physical eunucism for eternity over staying in a sexual nature, I will gladly opt out of sexuality and enact vengeance on humankind & God for my sufferings. I have an axe to grind against pornographers for their behaviors, and I also will never “bow” to God again as a loyal worshipper over how I was born & treated down here.
I just think you need to meet the right gal. That’ll come someday. Probably when you least expect it. 
Hey those first animals in the evolutionary process were just following sexual instincts. if it weren’t for that, evolution would’ve never happened. It makes too much sense too, if it weren’t for sex then mankind would cease to exist. Sexuality is to me an evolutionary advancement, because of the first creatures, the ones that didn’t want to reproduce didn’t pass on their genes. And the ones that did passed on their genes. So it’s become innate, the norm, to want to reproduce. That will never change.
Dude no! wtf? This doesn’t make any sense!
wtf!!! Just wait 20 years and then you can date your ex girlfriend again hypothetically speaking.
I read you were studying greek? a couple posts past? Eros isn’t enough- otherwise there wouldn’t be 4 words.
The gate that gave you life can also bring you death.
-Chinese proverb.
If your object of referance here is based on the biblical diety-- then you should look at Pauls letters idk I think it’s in like… Celebasy is actually suggested by Paul as the prefered way of living.
And Paul is supposedly an Apostle Which basically equates to the pope.
I would like to add also to my previous post here that you’re actually entirely right, now that I’m not taking wellbutrin anymore I can see a little more clearly. God! I’m a butthole. You really can’t win IMO. It really really sucks being a man living so close to NYC with no money, IMO.
I’m moving to Alaska man…
You’re right don’t even try.
I honestly can’t even keep up on my computer shit anymore… Tech changes so fast I just got out of school and I’m already obsolete =)
Being a man sucks.
lights a cigarette
■■■■ the east coast.