Almost every time I am in group my therapist chooses to discuss and dismantle my belief in God. Last week I ended up crying to my sister on the phone because I felt “weak in my beliefs” because of his words on why I’m a christian. Almost all my friends are atheists and I love them very much but on facebook and in conversation they seem driven to dispel my beliefs. I don’t bring it up because I believe spirituality is personal, but I am always being confronted on how wrong it is to believe in Jesus and God. Why is it that so many atheists choose to bash my beliefs even though I am silent about my own? I think it’s because they care and don’t want me being fooled. I am not being fooled I have faith, and that’s that.
Man, I wish I could help you, as I’m a Christian, but I don’t think the admins here want people having these types of discussions.
Just remember… .“so persecuted were the prophets before you”…
Be strong in your faith @jukebox! Why anyone would want to take that away from you is beyond me. When I was young and attending a junior college I used to have to defend my faith constantly. I had more enrgy then. Sometimes people would tell me that my faith was just a crutch for me to lean on. I would agree with them and say “it sure is! And I lean on my Lord all the time!” I would tell the therapist that you do not want him attacking or dismissing your beliefs, which are not delusions but established religion which millions follow. If he doesn’t want you discussing your beliefs in group then that’s fair. You can both agree to respect eachother in that environment .
UHey mabey because of false christians portraying false images to the world about what real people,you and me, see the world like,keep being real bro,im with ya
He says things like, “Michael, you are an educated man??? why do you hold on to things that you can’t prove?” stuff like that. I agree there are a lot of false christians out there, I look at Jesus, not mankind. I believe that’s why christianity has so many enemies is because there are so many ruining Christ’s image. thank you for your support.
Have you considered trying to find a group therapy session specifically aimed towards Christians? A lot of people are hostile towards religion because they don’t like being told the way they’re living their life is wrong. Back when I had insurance, there used to be an option where you could search for a therapist based on faith. So muslims and christians could insure that they ended up with a therapist that was compatible with their beliefs. Maybe your insurance has the same option?
Well, most clinical psychologists are so clinical and scientific that they tend to find answers to questions, answers grounded in science, instead of answers grounded in faith.
Counsellors not as much. They often encourage religion. But it’s the clinical shrinks who should be dealing with psychotics.
Psychotics often use religion in their psychositic thoughts. That’s pretty much the bottom line. One of the very most common delusions is thinking that you are the son of God.
You seem to not be insane about your faith, which is great- you’re a good Christian. I’ve seen plenty of them. What you should understand is that there are many Christians who put faith in front of medicine when they need clinical help, are offered clinical help, but reject it because they have faith instead.
As an agnostic, I want to say that I’m so sorry, jukebox. I don’t see any evidence that your faith hurts you, or that it causes you to hurt anyone else. To me, it looks like it gives you great strength and comfort.
I was very wary of my therapist when I started, because I was afraid she would try to pathologize some parts of my life because they were outside her experience. She didn’t at all. I’m not sure I would have been able to continue with her if she had.
Good luck. I hope he moves onto other topics soon.
It’s just as wrong for your friends to assault your beliefs in God as it is for religious people to try to force their beliefs on non-believers. You’re right. Spirituality is personal.
Can he prove hes got a brain,just a good joke i heard once