Grey matter reply

I had made a post about having bad thoughts. And I don’t have images in my head anymore. Just bad words And somebody took it as I was liking the gross thought of it. They said the post scared them and I was actually saying I had bad thoughts and one word and it’s annoying and pissing me off. I asked if I should meditate for positive thoughts. And they took it as I was going to act on it. Even though I never have and never will. To the blade star person, I would never act on my terrible introusive thoughts. And I’m sorry it came out that way. I just want to let you know. I donnot like them, not would I act on them, and it’s very scary to have hear things like I do…

I’d let it go and stop worrying about it. People tend to see things only through their own experiences. That’s their problem, not yours.

Hi… I just looked back at your other post. I don’t think the response was for you. I think it was in response to someone else who commented on your post.

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Hey if you are talking about this

I made that comment to the poster above me, not to you. Your intrusive thoughts don’t scare me. I am sorryi didn’t communicate that well.


Unfortunately on this site when you reply to the last person who responded to a thread it doesn’t show the response icon to see that they were responding directly to said person. Its a weird bug in the system. It will show if you respond to someone before the last person.

It’s all gravy! Please feel free to post about your intrusive thoughts. I have some horrible ones too.


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