so I was thinking yesterday if I worked in a restaurant as a dishwasher or something. our patrons would all be retired or working people who were taken care of by the employers. 401k with company match maybe, health, dental, and vision, etc. and here I would be working at a restaurant for $10/hr, with none of those benefits, it makes me wonder why people would even consider it. but im in a position where I’m more or less taken care of by the government so maybe I will while I re-establish a work history.
anyways, another point I want to make is the people we would be serving our largely cheap, they don’t care about the plight of the restaurant employees mostly, they just don’t want the cost of their meals to go up.
There’s a lot of different restaurants. Maybe you have specific restaurants in mind. They all have stuff in common but the procedures can be different, of course the physical layouts are different the people you work with will be different and so will the clientele.
I was wondering why you said all the customer’s will be cheap. How do you know that? I consider restaraunt jobs because they pay the bills. I’m not in a position to work as CEO of Apple or Hewlett-Packard because I am schizophrenic with no experience and those jobs are hard to get.
But I have experience in restaraunts and would not thumb my nose at working at another one if I need to because I don’t think I’m too good for it.
I have no beef with you but your attitude towards work needs some fine-tuning if you’re going to enter the work force. It’s not the best and when you say the things you usually do about work it’s hard to tell if you’re joking and it’s hard to take you seriously.